Lawnscaping Challenge #104

Hi, everybody! It’s time for a new Lawnscaping challenge (#104), and this one is a little different than the themed or technique Lawnscaping challenges that you may be used to. We’re inspiring you with a sketch this time, and here’s my take:


I love Lawn Fawn’s new Beachside petite paper pack, and thought it would be perfect for this quirky card idea I had for the challenge. Here’s a look at the sketch. (You can use different shapes in place of the circle and the star.)

LC 104

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope your week is off to a great start! Make sure you get all the details on this challenge and link up your entry for Lawnscaping Challenge #104 at the Lawnscaping blog!

Did you check out my post on the Lawnscaping blog last Monday? I shared two new cards for my monthly post there! You can also get more information HERE.

Squirrel in the Stars Card
Lawn Fawn supplies used:
Love You S’more clear stamp set
Flying By clear stamp set
Lucky Stars clear stamp set
Beachside petite paper pack
Pink Lemonade Lawn Trimmings


Other supplies:
Memento ink (color: Tuxedo Black)
watermark ink (VersaMark)
white embossing powder
detail silver embossing powder
wood veneer star
Copic markers
foam tape

It’s my Lawnscaping post day!

Hi, everybody! It’s my turn to post today at the Lawnscaping challenge blog and I’m sharing some cards that I made recently.  Since the current challenge is to add dimension to your card, I challenged myself to come up with alternate ideas for adding dimension without using foam tape or a lot of layers.

My first card uses Lawn Fawn’s Bugs and Kisses. I made some custom paper by stamping the bugs in brown ink on kraft card stock, then added some shadows to each bug. I like the effect because it looks like the bugs are popping up off of the background, when they really aren’t!
I used a few Copic markers in the E40 family (E40, E41, E42, and E43) to add the shadows on the kraft card stock. They are very similar to the color of the card stock and make subtle shadows when they’re dry.


To make the worm in a jar, I stamped the jar, worm and branch on a transparency with permanent ink. I stamped another worm and jar lid on white card stock, then colored them both in. Both pieces are attached to the back of the transparency.

Here’s a closer look at the worm in the jar and the card front:


My second card features a scene that I created with the Love You S’More set. It took a while to color everything, but I’m so happy with the final result!


I planned the background by first stamping the flames and the bear. I masked the flames and the bear and drew in light pencil lines where I wanted to stamp the background line of trees and color in the ground where the bear is sitting.

Here’s a closer look at the card front. After I colored the sky, I heat embossed the stars and used a blender pen to push the color around the stars so they each have a glow.


Thanks so much for stopping by today! I’ve provided a list of supplies that I used on my cards at the bottom of my post.


Bugs and Kisses Card
Lawn Fawn supplies used:
Bugs and Kisses clear stamp set
Into The Woods petite paper pack
Beachside petite paper pack
Other supplies:
Memento ink (colors: Tuxedo Black, Cocoa Brown)
smooth kraft card stock
transparency sheet
permanent ink (Staz-On)
Copic markers
Lucky Stars Bear Card
Lawn Fawn supplies used:
Love You S’more clear stamp set
Lucky Stars clear stamp set
Beachside petite paper pack
Other supplies:
Memento ink (colors: Tuxedo Black, Cocoa Brown)
watermark ink (VersaMark)
white embossing powder
Copic markers

Sweet Stamp Shop’s Grand Re-Opening Celebration!

Hi, everybody!  I’m posting today to help Sweet Stamp Shop celebrate its Grand Re-opening! I had the pleasure of being part of Sweet Stamp Shop‘s Design Team last year, and I’m happy to celebrate the new website with Nicole, the Sweet team, and a TON of talented designers!


The card that I’m sharing with you today features an image and sentiment from “Oolong“, one of three new stamp sets releasing today in the Sweet store!


Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope your week is off to a SWEET start! Join in the celebration at the Sweet Stamp Shop blog and Facebook group!

If you’re looking for even more inspiration with  Sweet Stamp Shop, stop by the Pinterest board, follow Sweet Stamp Shop on Instagram, or check out the Sweet YouTube channel!


Lawnscaping Challenge #103

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and I hope you’re ready for a new Lawnscaping challenge!

Our theme for this week is to add dimension to your project. You might use foam tape, double-sided tape, wobbly springs, or another technique. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, just add some pop to your entry!

Here’s my take on the challenge:


And here’s another look at the dimension that I added to the card. I used foam tape to adhere the jar of honey to the card front.


Lawnscaping Challenge #103 is sponsored by Ellen Hutson! One lucky winner will receive a gift certificate to the Ellen Hutson store!

LC 103

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope your week is off to a great start! Make sure you get all the details on this challenge and link up your entry for Lawnscaping Challenge #103 at the Lawnscaping blog!

I’ll be back on the Lawnscaping blog next Monday with a new project for my monthly post there, and I hope you’ll come by to say hello!


Lawn Fawn supplies used:
Bugs and Kisses clear stamp set
Summertime Charm clear stamp set
Here’s The Scoop clear stamp set
Milo’s ABCs clear stamp set
Into The Woods petite paper pack
Beachside petite paper pack
Pink Lemonade Single Cord Lawn Trimmings
Other supplies:
Memento ink (colors: Tuxedo Black, Grey Flannel)
smooth white card stock
mini heart punch
foam tape
transparency sheet
permanent ink (Staz-On)

Welcome to my new blog!

Hi, everybody! Welcome to lattesweetink, the new online home for all of my cards and projects! My new online ID combines my love of coffee and cute stamped images, and I know you’ll love what I have to share with you this month and in the future!

I just finished a year-long term with Some Odd Girl Stamps in March, and I’m currently on the Facebook Inspiration Team for Lawnscaping Challenges.  You’ll find all of my older posts here, since I’ve imported all of the posts from my old blog address to the new site!

I’ll post new cards for the Lawnscaping Challenges here on the first and third Mondays of each month, and I have a personal post day on the Lawnscaping blog on the second Monday of the month. The Facebook Inspiration Team also has a monthly blog hop on the last Friday of each month! And, of course, I’ll also share cards that I make for challenges and special events like blog hops.

So, settle in, take a look around, grab your favorite beverage of choice, and let me know what you think of the new site! And, if there are types of posts you’d like to see more often, let me know and I’ll plan on working them in!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I’m glad you’re here!


Lawnscaping FIT March Blog Hop!

It’s the last Friday of the month, so that means it’s time for the Lawnscaping Challenge Facebook Inspiration Team’s (FIT) Monthly Blog Hop! You’ve probably arrived from Sabine‘s blog, but in case you’re starting here, you’ll find the full hop list at the bottom of my post!

This month’s hop is being sponsored by The Ink RoadBe sure to visit The Ink Road and Lara’s blog! We’ll be picking a winner from all of the comments left on our hop to receive a gift certificate to The Ink Road!
This month, the FIT is inspired by GREEN, so I made a mini gift bag and a gift card holder with Lawn Fawn’s “Love You A Latte” and “My Lucky Charm” sets. I made both the gift bag and the card holder with the Goodie Bag Lawn Cuts die. 

I made the custom paper by stamping patterns on white card stock and coloring the images. 

Here’s our full blog hop order:
Suzanne – you’re here!
Before you continue the hop at Marina‘s blog, be sure to leave a comment for me so you can increase your chance of being the lucky winner of a gift certificate to The Ink Road!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope you’re enjoying all of the inspiration in today’s hop and are going to have some time to craft this weekend!

It’s no joke! I’m launching a new blog on April 1!

Hi, everybody! A few years ago, when I started blogging, I was more into general crafts and scrapbooking and had just started stamping and making cards. I picked my blog address based on what I was making at the time, but it doesn’t quite fit anymore.

I’ve spent the last year working on my plan for the new site, and am looking forward to making the move to WordPress, where I can have a direct domain address for my blog and more functionality than what I have through Blogger. I also hope to start selling my cards directly through my blog or through my Facebook page.

Launching April 1:
My new blog address:

I have a couple of things left to post here before I make the switch:

  • March 23: Some Odd Girl Stamps End of Term Blog Hop
  • March 27: Lawnscaping Challenges Monthly Blog Hop
  • March 30 & 31: Some Odd Girl Stamps’ Second March Clear Release

After the launch of my new blog, you’ll still be able to read all my past content. I’ll copy over all of the posts from my old blog and keep it up for a while until everyone has had a chance to update their blog feed readers.

I look forward to having you visit me at my new blog on April 1! Please add to your favorite blog feed reader!

Snow Queen Piper is all NEW in the Some Odd Girl Store!

Hi, everybody! It kind of seems out of season now to share a card with a winter-themed digi, but I think you’ll agree this new image from Some Odd Girl stamps is a perfect sendoff to the season! 
Snow Queen Piper is the second of two new digis being released this month at Some Odd Girl. Last week’s digi release, Snow Fun Tia, is a great companion image to this one! Here’s my card:
For more inspiration with Snow Queen Piper, stop by the Some Odd Girl blog, and make sure to join us in our Facebook community for more ODD fun!
Mark your calendar for our end-of-term blog hop on Monday, March 23rd as the Odd Girls wrap up a fabulous term by sharing their favorite creations with you! (There might be a few giveaways involved, too, so you don’t want to miss it!)
Thanks so much for stopping by today! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

Lawnscaping Challenge #102 – Distress Addicts

Happy Monday to you! It’s time for a new Lawnscaping challenge! Our theme for challenge # 102 is to distress part of your card, whether you use inks, sprays, or rough up the edges a bit!
Today’s card is super awesome…are you ready?
The distressed elements on my card are the roughed edges on the banner and the gold ink that I sponged around the white panel.
I made the rays with the chopstick from the “Let’s Roll” set. First I stamped the rays with neon yellow ink, then used a couple of my fluorescent Copics to color them in. I’ve included a full list of supplies for this card at the bottom of my post. (If you missed last week’s post where I made a popcorn box with the chopstick, click HERE to check it out.)
Lawnscaping Challenge #102 is sponsored by Lawn Fawn! One lucky winner will receive a gift certificate to the Lawn Fawn store!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! I hope your week is off to a great start! Make sure you link up your entry for Lawnscaping Challenge #102 at the Lawnscaping blog

Awesome Unicorn Card

Lawn Fawn supplies used:
Let’s Roll clear stamp set
So Much to Say clear stamp set
Critters Ever After clear stamp set
Hello Sunshine petite paper pack

Other supplies:
Copic markers (FY1, FYR1 – rays, RV00, RV10, RV11 – unicorn’s mane/tail; BV23 – hooves; Y28, Y23 – unicorn’s horn)
Hero Arts Dye Ink (color: Sunshine – Neon)
Memento Ink (color: Tuxedo Black)
glitter star brads
gold metallic ink pad
smooth white card stock
foam squares

Clean and Simple with Make It Crafty!

Hi, everybody! I’m happy to be back today to share a card that I’m submitting for Make it Crafty’s Clean and Simple Design Team Call

I tend to make cards on the clean and simple side because I like to put the focus on the main image. I love patterned paper and embellishments, but I feel like if I spend time coloring and shading an image, that’s what I want you to notice first! And, if the image is colored well, then it seems that anything else I add other than a sentiment isn’t as important.

So, with that in mind, I chose “Zoe Celebrates,” one of Make It Crafty‘s many adorable digis, for my entry. I colored her with Copic markers to match the paper I selected for the card:
For embellishments, I attached Zoe to the card front with a wobble spring and added a sentiment sticker and punched foil heart to complete the card.
I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my creative process and were inspired by today’s card! You can also find more inspiration with Make It Crafty rubber and digital stamps at the MiC Photo Gallery and the MiC Blog!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!